jdthedisciple 35 minutes ago

is this Jake from jake.fun again?

creative stuff!!

lnrd 11 hours ago

This really needs a "flashing lights" warning, even better a toggle to disable or tone down the background color shifting.

  • Norah_C 26 minutes ago

    I like this one

gcanyon 11 hours ago

This is an awesome way to spend a few minutes!

camillomiller an hour ago

Pretty cool!

(I would still put a flashing lights alert somewhere. If you scroll horizontally rapidly it gets stroboscopic very fast).

epiccoleman 5 hours ago

So cool. One of these days I really have got to learn Tone.js.

vivzkestrel 6 hours ago

can you explain the thinking process behind making such a thing

eth0up 9 hours ago

I'm an arpeggio fiend. I could easily and gladly live without ever hearing another beat again, though I could tolerate the tablas I suppose... but melody is what I need. My keyboard skills are crippled and I don't even have one, my classical guitar is stagnant, and I use Linux, so electronic music production is forbidden. What to do?

I guess I'll play the cube until I can get AI to render an infinite variation/s of Toccata and Fugue in some unknown perfect tone.

  • squarefoot 15 minutes ago

    Have you tried LMMS? It's not my favorite, but being 100% free and self contained (seq, fx, instruments) it's easier to install and get going with it even on an old laptop.



    • eth0up 6 minutes ago

      I did. And spent a lot of time with it (and other stuff) using (or trying to use) a midi keyboard. I remember being thrilled to find it. Then the jack/alsa/pulse war began and when that came to an end, it was endless latency. Then there was the fruitless hunt for quality samples and other rabit holes.

      Being not of extraordinary intelligence, I always worked more than played, by girthy margins. I gave up.

  • barryvan 8 hours ago

    Loads of music production opportunities on Linux! Reaper (which I use, albeit in Windows), Bitwig, Ardour, Renoise (which, as a tracker, may be more approachable for Devs), and more besides! And there's always CMusic (with various bindings, including Python) if you want something more akin to a sketchpad/algorithmic system...

  • egypturnash 6 hours ago

    c64 emulator, write your own music routine with arpeggiation

  • speed_spread 4 hours ago

    Hello fellow arp fiend. What I did: Go full hardware with a Squarp Pyramid or Hapax sequencer. Then stack multiple Arpeggiator effects on a channel to a MIDI synthesizer. Wire up the touch pad x/y axis to control some of the arp parameters or modulate them with an LFO. Get crazy, yo.
