People may be interested in the interview with Wynn-Williams (the whistleblower) on the News Agents podcast: (it's a UK news/political podcast very popular in the UK).
From what they said at the beginning I think this is her first big podcast interview about the book/her claims. I wonder if she chose a UK podcast because of the US arbiter ruling.
This type of heavy handed action always leads to the same outcome for the popularity of the verboten material.
Would love to see the actual severance contract too. It must have some kind of expiration date. Otherwise that kind of indefinite non-disparagement clause is one hell of a sword of Damocles.
Agreed, this has Streisand effect written all over it. I don't know how effective book marketing campaigns normally are, but this type of exposure will blow that out of the water.
People may be interested in the interview with Wynn-Williams (the whistleblower) on the News Agents podcast: (it's a UK news/political podcast very popular in the UK).
From what they said at the beginning I think this is her first big podcast interview about the book/her claims. I wonder if she chose a UK podcast because of the US arbiter ruling.
I would really not care, but now I'm quite interested.
Did Zuck buy a copy or just torrent it?
This type of heavy handed action always leads to the same outcome for the popularity of the verboten material.
Would love to see the actual severance contract too. It must have some kind of expiration date. Otherwise that kind of indefinite non-disparagement clause is one hell of a sword of Damocles.
Agreed, this has Streisand effect written all over it. I don't know how effective book marketing campaigns normally are, but this type of exposure will blow that out of the water.
> Additionally, the arbitrator ruled that so much as Wynn-Williams can control, she is prohibited from further publishing or distributing the book
So she can't do press. I wonder if this means there will be only one run, or if the publisher can print as many copies as it wants.
In case of Meta I really doubt. These guys are constantly growing despite of Facebook being nothing more than ads-disguised-as-friends' scrapyard.
20 points, 3 comments... a bit too early to declare Streisand on this.
This story has be posted to HN several times. The earlier story has 220 points and 50 comments
29 points, five commments & on HN's front page. Still early, but it is growing fast.
One comment thread is not the entire internet you know. There are other websites out there
We can do it!
bump for zuck
buying this today